Sunday, March 22, 2020

Upcoming Plans

   This upcoming week, my main focus is the preparation of the second part of the film opening. I need to possibly change my plans with the female actress because of the Corona Virus current situation and social distancing. I also will be preparing the bulletin board this week. I already have some photos and the string. I need to find more photos. I was trying to find newspaper articles to help which I haven't been able to find. I will also be adding post-it notes and doing more research on the board. The connection part will not be so difficult, it is just finding all the elements.
   I am looking at the board as a giant brainstorming map or a bubble map. It allows ideas to flow but in this case, it allows the connection of different elements. The set up won't be the hard part, it is just getting all the elements done, which is my plan for the upcoming week.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing an excellent job of adapting your project to our current situation. Keep up the excellent work!
