Saturday, April 4, 2020

Film Distribution

   Knowing that I am an ammeter, I would need different method to distribute my film. The theater is definitely not it because that requires lots of money. Since the target audience is around 13 and older, it should be easier to access since teenagers do not make too much money at the time.

   Film festivals would be a great option because they are inexpensive, gets my work out there and the target audience are usually also submitting their films as well. It would have to be local so examples would be Miami International Film Festival, Florida Film Festival, Boyton Beach Short Film Festival, etc. Of course they would have an entrance fee which ranges based on length of the film and time it is submitted but usually between $40-$75.

   Another place would be YouTube since people of the ages 18-34 use it more than other forms of social media. While 34+ YouTube is the second most used social media. It is easy to access and unless they pay for premium, it is free. To show recognition towards the film, I would advertise it through multiple social media forums and even ask my friends to do the same of teasers/ trailers. They would be presented on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat because they are most frequently used by Gen Z and Millennials.

   Lastly, I would submit it to AMC, CineMark and Regal. AMC presents independent films and reviews them while Regal holds a Film Festival. CineMark allows independent screenings where you can invite people to come view your film.

Cinequest. (2012). Film SubmissionsMarcato. Retrieved from

Film Festival Schedule. (2020). Film Festival Schedule. Regal Theaters. Retrieved from

Independent Film Screenings. (2020). Independent Film Screenings. CineMark. Retrieved from

Iqbal, M. (2020, March 24). YouTube Revenue and Usage Statistics (2020). BusinessofApps. Retrieved from

Office of Film and Entertainment. (2014). Florida Film Festivals. Film in Florida. Retrieved from

Submit Your Film For Consideration. (2020). Submit Your Film For Consideration. AMC Theaters. Retrieved from

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